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风格: 现代 开门方式: 平开式
表面处理: 喷漆 安装位置: 室内
材质: 实木高密度板复合 规格: 多种
木质隔热防火门:木质隔热防火门系列遵照国标GB研制而成,经国家检测中心检验合格,耐火极限分别达到甲、乙、丙级防火要求。选材说明:门框:采用优质铁杉,并经过防火阻燃处理。门扇:内骨架采用双面贴硅酸钙防火板,表面贴各种装饰面板,内腔内填耐温1200℃以上的优质膨胀珍珠岩板。面漆:调和漆、清漆或色精漆。五金:不锈钢防火锁(或管井锁)、防火铰链、闭门器等。面板:可选用各种木质镶板、实木、夹板饰面、PVC或防火胶版饰面并可配视口。主要性能参数:耐火极限:甲级为1.5h,乙级为1.0 h,丙级为0.5 h。隔音效果:具有满意的隔音效果,丙级产品隔声RW≥23dB。装饰性:具有木门的一切装饰特点。木质隔热防火门:简洁的色彩处理,信奉色彩本身独有的个性魅力。运用相同图纹相近颜色的搭配,演绎精致浪漫主义的风情,高贵而不张扬、优雅而又含蓄,实现理性与感谢交融和契合。WOOD INSULATION FIRE DOORS Imple color processing embraces the paiticulair personglity Charm belonging to color,The romanticism amorous feelings is deducted finely through the use of the combination of the same pattern and the similar color.,noble without publicty,elegance and coinlotation,the blend and fit or sense and sensibility will be come true.Door frame :Using the high quality of hemlock, and have the fire retardant treatment。Door leat:Within the framework of the double-sided mount calcium silicate fireproof board,Surface mount all kinds of decorative panels,filling resistant temperature above 1200℃ of the expanded perlite board In the internal。Top coat :Harmonic lacquer, varnish or color fine paintHardware :Stainless steel fireproof lock,fireproof hinge,door closer and so on 。Panel :Can be made of various wood panelling, Solid wood, plywood veneer, PVC or fireproof Plywood veneer and with the Visual window。
编辑:成都怡峰建材有限公司  时间:2018/05/11

